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The purpose of our site is to provide in an easy and understandable way the light of knowledge of modern times, ie promote education, enlightenment and transfiguration of man during the period of transition. The time in which we live is characterized by a great number of sharp contradictions in all spheres of human activity. The struggle of the old with the new demands of everyone, from every nation to make their choice as to what the future can become, and this requires a new level of knowledge. "Gautama Buddha taught that the source and origin of all the calamities of mankind is the narrow-mindedness, and ignorance. Ignorance - is the greatest evil. For it is the cause of all human suffering, making us appreciate what is unworthy to be valued, to suffer, where there should be no suffering, and, accepting illusion for reality, to conduct our lives in pursuit of insignificant values, ignoring the fact that in reality the most valuable - knowledge of the mysteries of human existence and destiny." For millennia, the basis of understanding of the totality of humanity is the idea of Nature, based on Cosmic and Divine Principles. With respect to this, there was gradually forming an idea of a holistic picture of the world, and man`s place in it. During ancient times, there was no distinction between religion, philosophy and science - it was one integrated synthetic knowledge brought by the Teachers of mankind. However, after mankind had obtained this knowledge, it had to go a long way to have this understanding as part of their consciousness and experience. The cognitive process of human thinking was formed gradually, and knowledge of the world flowed from the general to the specific. It was necessary to develop science to understand the world surrounding us. In the involutional stage of knowledge, human intelligence was trying to divide the world into concepts and limited structures, which was the main cause as to why different sections of science came into being in human history. Man had to comprehend the specific world surrounding him, and create an algorithm for predicting the most effective ways of development for society and its individuals. A higher level of education occurred in the Ancient East more than a thousand years BC. Then, at that stage of education, young people learned philosophy, poetry, as well as laws of nature, information about minerals, heavenly bodies, plants and animals. In Alexandria, between the V - III Centuries BC, schools of higher learning began to be established, in which philosophy, philology, medicine and mathematics were studied separately in connection with the differentiation of science. The fragmentation of science into smaller and smaller separate sectors had led to a better understanding of the various subjects, and at the same time, it resulted in the loss of perception of the integrity of life, and, ultimately, to a dead end situation. At the present time, old and new contradictions of the world are closely intertwined, which strengthened the crisis tendencies in politics, ideology, economy, science and interpersonal relations. Humanity now faces a serious problem of the global crisis. Various forms of crises which exist in the society nowadays, indicate the holistic crisis of the world outlook of mankind. Ignoring the knowledge of the spiritual basis of the development of society and man, their connection with the cosmic laws of life has led humanity to the many inevitable catastrophes. And today, mankind faces the necessity to return to the holistic world outlook, but at a new qualitative level, taking into account the experience accumulated in intellectual and spiritual development. The Aquarius Era is the era of Synthesis. In our time, the synthesis of the sciences became paramount in importance, and major scientific discoveries were made in the realm of interdisciplinary research. Holistic thinking, and a worldview on the basis of knowledge and the application of the general laws of the development of man will allow him to see the world in which he live as a holistic one, and to feel themselves as an integral part of the whole. That`s why, in 1994, in accordance with the requirement of the time, a new science appeared - Universology. The origins of Universology appeared at the dawn of mankind, when people were attempting to comprehend the world, and observed the most common characteristics of all phenomena, and the objects embedded in Nature. The presence of dimensionality within any phenomenon provided the first known characteristic of universality. Modern Universology is a system of knowledge synthesis, which incorporated the universal laws of science and many areas of human experience, and summarized the best achievements of many centuries of human culture and evolution. |