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Moon Phase


Vitaliy A. POLIAKOV,
Chairman of the Board of the International Scientific School of Universology,
President of the International Union of Academies of Universology,
Doctor of Universology and Systemology


Speech by V.A. Polyakov at the Manifestation “New Time – New Social Consciousness”





If in the multifaceted Universe, amidst the infinite diversity of systems and life forms, harmony reigns, and peaceful coexistence is the foundation of the harmonious evolution of the flow of Life, then on Earth, by the law of continuity, harmony and peaceful coexistence must also be possible among systems with various political, economic, and social forms of development.


Peaceful coexistence becomes possible when interacting life systems have a specific set of qualities in their Purposes, allowing them to exchange unparalleled uniqueness without competition. Consequently, the brighter the uniqueness, the more opportunities for mutually beneficial cooperation and subsequent prosperity in unity and harmony!


Until now, economic and other theories arose as a reflection of the needs of the time and the specific historical course of development, when the crisis of relations in society necessitated the search for new management solutions. In Universology it is proposed to form a different methodology than in the classical paradigm - a causal-system approach that will describe and then anticipate the entire course of historical development, directing the world towards the future peaceful coexistence of systems with different ideological, political, economic, social and territorial conditions.


The world has entered a new era, and the spirit of the new time demands transformations relevant to the new era! The spirit of the New Era represents the revelation of the internal causes of the development of life systems in the form of a purpose, allowing for the construction of deep value exchange relationships, forming a collective strategy of multi-level cooperation and co-existence. This creates public self-management in the production, social and territorial spheres of society, gradually forming a new way of life oriented towards nature, where new people will emerge living according to the laws of nature and leading a healthy way of life.


And at the turn of the 21st century, a new evolutionary paradigm for the development of the world community arose based on the universals of the laws of existence, developed by the International Scientific School of Universology (ISSU). This paradigm proposes, through the disclosure of causality and multi-level systemic interdependence of all phenomena, to achieve universalization, systematization, orderliness, synchronization and nature-oriented development of Human and Society. Universology is currently introducing tools for successful modeling, forecasting, diagnosing, and step-by-step formation of transitional inversion processes, which makes it possible to create a new, more effective socio-economic way of life for the world community.


The formation of a new way of life will be preceded by humanity’s awareness and application of the principle of collective strategy as a manifestation of hierarchical collegiality in the life of society. This will make it possible to create public self-government in the production, territorial and social spheres of life. At the same time, in the social sphere, people will begin to understand their triple Purpose: family, generation, nation.


In the production sector, based on a collective strategy, employees will become collegial owners of production and change their status from employees to co-owners. This will increase interest in the quality of the final result of joint activities, as well as in the continuous improvement of the technological process.


Co-ownership will introduce various forms of unity and cooperation into territorial self-government, give impetus to the development of local industry, developing cultural leisure, and the emergence of research centers and settlements. Interest in the result of cooperation will increase everywhere through the involvement of participants in joint management.


The concept of the development of the world community in accordance with the Spirit of the new era consists of 2 parts:


1. External Program – Manifesto of the Evolution of Humanity; The doctrine of a new socio-economic structure.


2. Internal Program - Charter of the International Scientific School of Universology and the Project for the creation of an international evolutionary movement (IEM) as an example of the implementation in the world community of a new nature-oriented (i.e., according to the laws of nature) healthy lifestyle - the foundation of the currently emerging socio-economic structure, naturally replacing the previous structure. The new way of life will develop and improve the principle of a collective strategy of cooperation and co-ownership, which will become the basis of production, territorial, and social self-government. Thus, a person will reveal his triple purpose: family, generation, nation and on this basis will show high qualities of responsibility, discipline, aspiration, ingenuity, constancy of development and reliability in relationships, the ability to sustain systemic improvement, the effectiveness of progress and versatility of expression.


The history of mankind is an alternation of wars and periods of prosperity as a correlation between two dominant trends - destruction and creation. Thus, contradictions in relations between nations and people have always led to conflicts and crises, which, after learning hard lessons from them, have been followed by the subsequent revival of cultures. Epochs of confrontation between states, nations, religions, between various social groups and individuals led to a new level of unilateral totalitarian or technogenic development of civilizations, which has once again led to wars. Unilateral development and peace have always been incompatible, as nature does not tolerate one-sidedness.


At the same time, modern achievements of civilization, with the expansion of the geography of conflicts and their globalization, are capable of completely destroying humanity. The creation of high technological, technogenic developments further isolates and divides people, stimulating tension in society and reducing the share of evolutionary potential in the development of civilization. This situation generally leads to a catastrophic imbalance of forces in nature.


Crises in all spheres of socio-economic relations in the world: from social to interpersonal (including in developed capitalist countries), a broad movement of the world public against social inequality, against one-sided technogenic globalization and uneven development of countries demonstrate the imperfection of existing theories of social development and its interaction with nature. This is primarily evident in the fact that these theories lack a comprehensive systemic character. They do not contain development goals, universal regularities, stages of the formation of socio-economic relations and their corresponding ways of life, methods of production and corresponding forms of property, which do not allow seeing the prospects for the development of the world community as a whole.


A vivid proof of this is the ongoing political, social and industrial crises within states. The uneven development of different regions within each country indicates internal contradictions leading to social tensions and, ultimately, to increasing polarity in the world.


For these reasons, an ancient but ever-present threat to the world - whose name is interethnic conflicts - has now flared up with renewed vigor. The reasons for their emergence are diverse. Significant social differences in the living standards of different peoples are already leading to international conflicts. Conflicts have also escalated on religious grounds as a confrontation between the objectively existing diversity of views on the essence of life development and conservatism of traditions.

Thus, in the present era, old and new contradictions of the world are closely intertwined, intensifying crisis tendencies in politics, ideology, economics, science and, especially, in interpersonal relationships.


The result of the overlap of past and new contradictions in society has been the emergence of three vices, three harmful tendencies in the development of civilization: 1) human detachment from reality - narcotics, the creation of a virtual-informational world, 2) evasion of responsibility and distortion of the essence of human nature - a virus human immunodeficiency, virus mutations, the creation of biorobots and mind-controlling implants; 3) substitution of the creative essence of humanity and detachment from world culture - cloning and terrorism.


A radical solution to these problems is required, or social tension in society will increase even more, including interethnic and interreligious tension. Then the living standards of the population will decline, and its fall will inevitably lead to social upheavals and revolutions. Therefore, the impending crises can only be countered by consolidating all layers of society and the international community based on the application of universal models for the comprehensively resolving contradictions in society and harmonizing the development of different spheres of life.


At the same time, the new era has brought a new type of confrontation - between civilization and nature as the causal essence of the development process itself. Along with conflicts over markets, the uneven distribution of labor results between the “top” and the “bottom,” religious animosity and interpersonal competition, a new type of antagonism has emerged: technogenic-ecological conflict as a result of an ideological crisis. This conflict arises from the contradiction between the old, collectively unconscious, divisive and isolating way of life and the new, synthesizing, collectively conscious, cause-systemic worldview, based on the universals of being’s development and the possibilities of new energy sources for humanity.


The concept of ecology has come to be used much more broadly than its initial connection with the state of the environment. Ecology is now understood as the evolution of relationships in the form of stages of forming purity and morality in the entire spectrum of human relations. Thus, ecology has grown into an ecosophy of multi-level relations in society, for the description of which comprehensive models of universalization, optimization and harmonization of development processes were required.

Time vividly demonstrates the need for transformation in life. All planetary cataclysms are like a call for reconciliation between humans and nature. All conflicts in the world, wars, and aggression are manifestations of the conflict between humanity and society, an expression of the search for a path to reconciliation with oneself. All contradictions arise where the polarity of the simultaneous existence of wealth and poverty, the prosperity of those who usurp planetary resources and the meager existence of the proud heirs of the great civilizations of the past is generated.


The world is no longer just on the brink of division; the world is torn apart by boundless appetites of some and the expectations of justice by others. A wave of social upheaval has already swept through, followed by planetary cataclysms and severe epidemics. Aggressive policies beyond monopolies, unlimited resource extraction utilization, the arrogation of the selfish right to decide the future, and the disturbed balance of natural forces threaten to erupt like a genie from a bottle at any moment.


The planet now responds harshly to humanity with formidable manifestations of both underground and above-ground natural elements.


Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn:


1. Processes on the planet occur in a unified rhythm, like those of a single organism (the principle of matryoshka), based on the principles of interdependence, multi-levelness, and the universals of the universal laws of nature. Much depends on humans! After all, humanity is the fourth kingdom of nature, much like the cardiovascular system in the human body. And it is the degree of transformation of human life in accordance with the Spirit of the New Era that determines the scenario for Earth’s development.


2. The spirit of the New Era is the formation of a new way of life in accordance with a new vision of the future: the unity of bright individualities living in harmony with the laws of nature and for the common good, aligning their purposes in collective actions. Thus, humanity will achieve prosperous relationships and social self-governance, reducing the role of competition while increasing the role of partnership, coexistence, and mutual assistance in all areas of life, including hierarchical collegial governance of the state.


3. The Spirit of the New Time is the natural actualization of the conditions and level of consciousness of individuals corresponding to the Vision of the future, where, in the new way of life, global civilization problems will be solved, and trends towards the synthesis of achievements of world cultures will emerge in all spheres of society: in cooperative production, in uniting people, and in strengthening the moral purity of relationships.


Therefore, based on the synthesis of the achievements of humanity, the interdisciplinary science of Universology has emerged, creating universal models that describe the goals and regularities of the development of multi-level life systems. Consequently, Universology is:


1. A Synthesizing Doctrine of the Causality of Life and the Systemicity of the World Order of Existence.


2. An interdisciplinary science, reflecting the needs of a new era in synthesizing the achievements of science and world culture to describe the universals of the Flow of Life: past-present-future, allowing for the reconstruction of human history in its true form.


3. A methodology for causal-systemic forecasting of the future image and universal modeling of the most effective path of development.


4. The practice of a new, healthy, nature-oriented way of life.


5. A methodology that reveals the essence of the novelty of the world, new possibilities, and the values of life, about modeling the Image of the Future and the technology of embodying dreams in the images of the foreseeable future.


The creation of the interdisciplinary science of Universology has made it possible to:


1. Provide solutions to world problems based of causal-systemic analysis, universal forecasting and early diagnosis, universal modeling of multilevel system completeness, integrity, balance, consistency, stability, efficiency and multifacetedness of development processes.

2. Formulate a concept of balanced development of humans, nature and civilization through universal modeling of the orderliness and synchronization process leading to optimization, stability and multilevel coherence of all spheres of societal life.

3. Coordinate the trends of societal development, the interests of government authority, and the needs of people.

4. Develop a universal model of Civil Society, including:


- A system of public self-government (hereinafter referred to as PSG) covering the entire range of multilevel relationships in society: 1) territorial self-governance; 2) production self-governance; 3) social self-governance, including educational, health, and cultural self-governance.


- Acceptance of a new role for people as creators of harmony in relationships through collective cooperation that eliminates division and promotes moral purity in relationships.


- Evolution of production relations towards the status of a worker in production - from a wage laborer to a co-owner capable of self-financing and self-management of the activity in which they are involved based on a collective strategy.


5. Create new effective technologies that represent a synthesis of world culture and the scientific achievements, Western thinking, and Eastern worldviews, thereby contributing to the reconciliation of religions through harmonizing various worldviews in a universal worldview.


6. Implement a multilevel universal management system in the state and in intergovernmental relations.


7. Formulate a causal-systemic evolutionary worldview, systemic-logical thinking, and an ideology of collective co-creation as the basis of a new socio-economic way of life.


8. Create a system of lifelong continuous education and a healthy way of life based on the universals of life formation, collective strategy and public self-governance.


The transition-inversion process towards a new socio-economic way of life for   society is achieved through the elevation of people's consciousness levels and leads to the organization, structuring of society's living space, and the deepening, coordination, and synchronization of relationships in various spheres of its development.


Each stage of human consciousness evolution defines a new way of life for society, created through the co-creation of all its members. Thus, the primitive communal way of life was replaced by the slave-owning, then the feudal way of life, and then the capitalist way of life. The main feature of capitalism is private property and private interests. Now, a new era is preparing the conditions for creating a new socio-economic fair way of life for a community of people living in the name of the common good!


The new way of life is born based on the expansion of social partnership, cooperation and co-ownership leading to public self-governance, collective and intercollective agreement in solving all issues of societal management. It creates the prerequisites for unveiling the inner world of a person, his purpose (family, kin, national) in his external life and activity. Collective strategy and especially co-ownership will lead to an increase in a person’s interest in the ultimate outcome of his work. As a result, conditions will arise for multi-level self-governance in the production, territorial and social spheres will emerge, increasing labor productivity, quality, efficiency, and sustainability of production.


Completeness, integrity and harmony in all aspects of human life will create conditions for agreement, stability, efficiency, and multiplicity in the manifestation of co-creation between humans and the world. Thus, when going to work, a person will primarily think not about his personal gain but about the well-being of others, which will be achieved through coordinated cooperation based on mutual interests and the exchange of participants’ roles in labor. This will be the case everywhere and in everything. Therefore, revolutions or other radical methods of transforming social life will not be required. Reconciliation of different social strata of society will occur when the more prosperous invest in a collective strategy. To achieve this, the world community needs to reach a high level of culture, i.e., learn to live in harmony with oneself and the world, using a universal algorithm of action based on the laws of nature and guided by the universal system of universal co-creation of life!

Building unity and harmony in the world in the form of peaceful coexistence of systems, countries, nations, and people with different political, socio-economic, religious views, ISSU forms groups of like-minded individuals, teams of co-creators-researchers, teams of civil self-governance centers, and builds Sun Cities as Cities of the Future, and much more, in the spirit of the new era, so that in unity and harmony, the world will regain its creative role!






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