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Universology (gr. "universe"+ logos, meaning "science", literally means "a science about the Universe") – an interdisciplinary study of cause and system of world order, which studies the universal regularities of phenomena and processes involved therein. It also includes a systemic way of logical thinking as a necessary element of human evolution.

Universology is, quite simply, a synthesis of human achievements in different areas of various cultures, actively evolving since the late 20th century, contributing to sciences as well as to forming new theoretical and practical disciplines.

Universology, based on relativism and orienting toward human development prospects, is integrally interrelated to philosophy, science and sociology.

Universology, as an interdisciplinary synthesis of science and the global human cultural heritage, has contributed to forming new theoretical and practical fields:

causal systemology, gnoseological relativism, cardinal psychology, psycho-systemology, social systemology, a system of continuous education, integral and cardinal training.

Popularization of Universology was the life's work of Stephen Pearl Andrews, a 19th century intellectual.

In 1872, Andrews published the work “The Basic Outline of Universology: An Introduction to the Newly Discovered Science of the Universe; It's Elementary Principles and the First Stages of their Development in the Special Sciences.”

The term “Universology” was also popularized by Edward Osborne Wilson (born on June 10, 1929).His works sought to conceptualize and unite all knowledge through an explanation of its apparent wholeness, including his project The Encyclopedia of Life.

In recent times, Mamori Mohri, Japan's first astronaut and Director of Japan's National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation, has popularized and expanded on Universology.

For Mohri, the universological worldview was an epiphany, which emerged after seeing the planet from space on two missions in the 1990s, and he has become the chief proponent of Universology today. "Everything in this universe is part of an uninterrupted sequence of events", according to Mohri.

The issue of the integrity of the Universe has been discussed by various sciences.

Ilya Romanovich Prigogine (born on January 25, 1917) was a Belgian and American physicist and chemist who was born in Russia and became a Nobel Prize laureate in chemistry. In the book “Order Out of Chaos: Man's New Dialogue With Nature”, which he co-wrote with Isabelle Stengers, another professor at Prigogine's group in the University of Brussels, Prigogine states:

"Altogether, we tend to accept the idea propelled by Dialectical Materialism, regarding the necessity of overcoming the antithesis of humane, historical realm and the material world, perceived as atemporal. We do believe, that the setting rapprochement of these opposites will have to be enhanced, as there will be new approaches which will outline the internally evolving Universe, which we are part of." A central aspect of the ways of "outlining the internally evolving Universe", that is what Universology is all about.

Sergey Vladimirovitch Galkin, lecturer in the department of Applied Mathematics of the N.E. Bauman State Technical University in Moscow, stated in his book "Approaching Integral Knowledge":

"We are facing a new universal, integral science, parts of which we are building up now. As a first approximation, this science may be called “Universology”.

V. Ebeling, A. Angel, and R. Faystel, in their book "The Physical Ground of Evolution. Synergistic Approach", have been rigorously validated, which they based on general synergistic principles; they also studied various forms and stages of the evolution of the “Universum”.

The issue of universal regularities of the evolution of the Universe has been of interest to many scholars.

Lately, Universology has been rapidly developing due to the contribution of V.A. Poliakov - the author of numerous books in the fields of causal systemology, universal management methodology, and business administration psychology.He also pioneered in applying effective methods of systemic disease prevention, psychosystemology, a system of continuous education, group strategy, and the self-government of society.

V.A. Poliakov is the creator and the leader of the International Science School of Universology, consisting of hundreds of teams that develop and apply Universology as a philosophical school, and provide a methodology for a healthy lifestyle.



1. Stephen Pearl Andrews, The Basic Outline of Universology. NY, Dion Thomas, 1872

2. Edward Osborne Wilson, Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge, 1998, Knopf. ISBN 0-679-45077-7

3. Ilya Prigogine; Isabelle Stengers, (1984). Order out of Chaos: Man's new dialogue with nature. Flamingo. ISBN 0-00-654115-1.

4. Vitaliy A. Poliakov, Universology.  Moscоw, 2004.

5. Wikipedia

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