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Moon Phase


The law of causality

(The law of conservation of energy in the cause-effect relationships)


Pesina Tatyana I., candidate of technical sciences.


Since ancient times, man has known that each consequence has a reason; that is, inevitably, all the secrets become evident, everything should be paid for, everything should be answered, and no one will escape the law. Moreover, the wording of the laws used to change.

In the times immemorial, laws were very strict, “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”. That is, the law of Moses was based on Fear of God, on the fear of being punished for the sins. A person was treated as a disobedient child who was guilty and who had to be punished. Indeed, the law introduced by Moses was harsh, but in those days, humankind needed it for further development.

An ancient Latin saying “Dura lex, sed lex” means “A law is harsh, but it is the law.”

In the New Testament the same law is interpreted differently: it teaches not only to “love thy neighbor” but also to “love your enemy”, “treat others the way you want to be treated.”

The law of causality reflects in folk proverbs and sayings:

- “There is no smoke without fire”

- “What goes around comes around”

- “As goes a call, so does an echo”

- “Bite the hand that feeds one”

- “Look into the root of the matter” (Kozma Prutkov), that is, look for the cause of what is


Plato once said: “In distress, people tend to blame fate, the gods, and everything else, but not themselves.”

Causality is one of the main categories of philosophy.

Philosophy states that the world visible is the world of consequences. The world of reasons is the world invisible because it is hidden from human consciousness as long as it has not been figured out. However, causal relationships exist at all levels of systemic relations. Another thing is that people are not always aware of them, they do not always see the true reason.

The law of causality postulates:

Each effect has its cause, which, in turn, is a consequence of an even greater cause. Causal relationships exist at all levels of systemic relations.

The causal relationships of which a system is part determine its spatial and temporal parameters and its energy level as a creative potential.

As people learn the general laws and accumulate experience in the application of these laws in their daily lives, they change as well as do their lives and their spatial and temporal parameters:

- the space of creativity expands, the space in which people feel needed and where they can help others to rise to a new level of creativity

- the time of gaining experience reduces, a time of spiritualizing this space and of achieving the goals in a given cycle of the super system; the time then is compressed, the series of events become more saturated

- the energy level increases as well as emissivity, and new opportunities for creativity open up; then people are joined by others who become a team of associates when they combine their aspirations and efforts

Therefore, people can judge the level of expanding consciousness, the growth of creative possibilities by the change of the three parameters: space, time, energy.

Since there is always a reason for every effect, there is no randomness, which is just a consistent pattern.

However, the world can be studied.

The ability to study the world is determined by the level of consciousness, or by the ability to learn the causal relationships of events and by the experience of applying this knowledge in life.

At the same time, being a cause, the goal of the super system, remains relatively undiscovered for the given system until the phase of cognition (analysis) in the development cycle has been completed.

When the cause is cognized, it becomes a consequence, and then opens up a new, yet unknown, cause, a new purpose for the super system, which becomes the driving factor of development.

Thus, everything in this world occurs by a pattern. Only the extent of cognition of these laws is relative, the extent of people’s knowledge of the reasons of what is happening.

It is known that the life of any system, any process of development is described by three parameters (space, time, energy), with at all levels of the system of relations arise causal relationships.

Therefore, a change of causality entails a change in the parameters of the life of the system, including its energy performance.

In other words, the law of causality is a system of energy processes of the organization and management of the development of life and the law of conservation of energy in the causal relationship.

The energy aspect of the law is very important.

It is necessary to answer the following questions:

- What is energy?

- What role does energy play?

- What are the possible sources of energy?

- What happens in case of violating the law of conservation of energy in the cause-effect relationship?

What is energy?

The energy of the life system is characterized by the ability of the system to create a space of the structured matter for a certain time during which in a given cycle the goal of the super system is achieved.

What role does energy play?

Humans have always been concerned about the new sources of energy, because the transition to a new energy level meant the transition to a new quality of life, a qualitatively new level of development, new opportunities which opened up to men; above all, new opportunities for creativity. Man is made to create. “Creator made man in accordance with His image and likeness.” Man is supposed to become a likeness, a conscious creator of planetary evolution and take his rightful place in the hierarchy of infinite co-creators.

It is for the evolutionary transformation of the surrounding world that man is given energy.

What are the possible sources of energy?

There are two basic ways to produce energy:

1. The use of external energy sources by the destruction of the world (breaking energy).

2. The birth of energy in the process of unification (building energy).

These energy sources characterize the direction of the development.

While at the personal, involutionary stage, external sources of energy are mainly used, energy is obtained at the expense of destruction.

What are the external sources of energy?

First, they are all the living creatures. Everything a person burns, breaks, consumes, or eats presents lesser lives, the estates of nature, which are at a lower level of development:

- coal, oil, gas, the energy of the atomic nucleus - the mineral estate

- wood - the vegetable estate

- meat products - animal estate

Secondly, all of this had taken a long time to create at the stage of evolutionary development and at the expense of unity. All of this is the concentrated energy of the sun and the lower estates of nature.

Thirdly, these things were created by others, therefore they do not belong to Man.

At the evolutionary stage of development, energy is created as a result of unifying separate systems into a large system of life. As a result, binding energy is released, matter becomes more refined. At the same time, the system is improved as a whole, as well as its constituent parts.

The entire historical experience of humankind shows that development has always followed the path of integration, a path of uniting efforts. People have always united for a more effective participation on the path of transforming the world.

The results of their joint work were getting more and more sophisticated. This was where a change of socio-economic formations was directed. In this way, people learned of the benefits of synergies, the advantages of the group consciousness over personal. In fact, in the 4th century B.C., Aristotle asserted, “A whole is always greater than the sum of its parts.”

The same thing happens in microcosm. In nuclear physics, it is known that when a nucleus is formed at the confluence of protons and neutrons, its mass is smaller than that of protons and neutrons mp + mn = m n + Eb ./s 2

This phenomenon is called the mass defect.

At this point, the binding energy is released. This energy is equal to the work required to separate the system into its component parts and to remove them from each other to a distance at which their interaction can be neglected. This energy characterizes the strength of ties and stability of the system.

Thus, the higher the degree of unity

- the smaller is the mass of matter

- the system becomes more compact, organized, structured, more stable

- the entropy of the system as a degree of chaos decreases

- the system formed is more energy-intensive

- the more energy as radiative activity is released

The released energy gives rise to new life forms that rush to a better unity with a greater binding energy.

Similarly, in science, owing to the synthesis of knowledge, all the experience which humanity has accumulated, it is possible to move to a new level. It is known that in any field of research, synthesizing thought is most effective.

The same happens in the work of a group: the people united by a common evolutionary purpose, act together and create a team of like-minded people. Due to the emergence of new, more sophisticated, structural links, such a team is a more organized and much more energy-intensive system. In the group creation, rises the of energy associations, or binding energy. The rise of this energy union opens up new opportunities for a person and allows reaching a qualitatively new level of development.

Thus, a person gradually stops destroying this world intending to produce energy for personal use. He or she begins to create this energy at the expense of unity.

In this case, a person depends less on the external energy sources. By integrating with the environment, he or she restores the impaired causal relationships and the connection with the power grid of the planetary organism. By consciously getting involved in the greater unity, without destroying the world, and by promoting its integrity, a person becomes complete. In this way, in the process of unification of Man with the environment occurs a natural human improvement based on cellular structures.

What happens if the law of conservation of energy in the causal relationship is violated?

It is common knowledge that universal laws of development operate in the world. They are objective, that is, they act independently of whether or not people are aware of them, whether or not they agree with them, whether or not they follow them or continue violating. Another thing is that people are not always aware of their influence. However, people know that “not knowing laws does not free them from following them”.

Therefore, if the life system (man included) tries to shape the path of its development despite the universal laws, the causal law comes into effect, as a force restoring the broken causal relationships. It seeks to return man to a perfect, harmonious interaction with the environment.
What determines the harmony of human interaction with the environment?

First, it happens in the way Man executes his destiny.

Man comes to this world to create which means actively and consciously to participate in the

evolutionary transformation of the environment. To this end, Man receives energy. Moreover, by nutrition people get only a small fraction of energy of very low vibration. Man receives a major part of the energy from the larger system through the united energy system, which he is building in the process of interaction with the environment.

If Man uses this energy meant for creative work only in personal interests and for other purposes, he borrows it in some way. Yet, debts must be paid off, the sooner the better. However, if a debt accrues and the required energy exchange is missing, in accordance with the law of polar interactions, the larger system ceases to stimulate the development of a smaller system. Therefore, Man’s life begins to falter. In addition, there exist many energy equivalents. It reflects in the energy levels: problems with health, in everyday situations, financial problems, or at work begin to develop. Yet, Man does not realize the reasons and looks for a culprit.

Therefore, understanding the causality of events, the realization that there is a reason and consequence, allows people to use their creative potential more efficiently, realize their human purposefulness and, consequently, be healthy and happy. This is not based on subjective feelings, which may change, but on the knowledge of the universal laws that function throughout the environment.

The world is a mirror.

The Great Buddha believed, “The world around us is our mirror.”

Universal laws postulate that the world is the result of causal relationships of which people are an imminent part.

Everything around is the experience accumulated to date. Therefore, the human past experience can be evaluated in accordance with the degree of perfection of the world. In “The Tale of the Dead Princess and Seven Knights” by the Russian poet Pushkin, one of the characters is a mirror, “The mirror had a skill: it was able to speak.” No matter how hard the queen tried to persuade the mirror, no matter how much she threatened it, it spoke the truth.

Similarly, the world always tells people the truth about them and shows them their level of development, consciousness, perfection or imperfection. That is how it is, and the mirror is not to blame.

A wise man once said, “If a monkey looks in the mirror, can anyone expect an apostle to look back?” If he does, will the monkey be able to recognize him?

People are able to perceive only the information from the environment, to which people correspond, which is determined by the developmental experience. People perceive only the spectrum of radiation from the inside, which aligns with the frequency of oscillation of their energy. They interact only with the phenomena, which fits their vibration. According to the laws of propagation of wave oscillations, information is not recognized in case vibration differs significantly, it just does not reflect in the minds. In such case, people “look but do not see and listen but do not hear.”

Thus, the world people perceive and the life circumstances do not always suit them as a consequence of what they have caused. That is, everything around is a consequence which has a reason generated by the people. Sooner or later, all the unknown becomes known, and people get what they deserve, they reap as they sow. Since they realize that the reason is caused by them, they must learn to take responsibility for what is happening and learn how to draw conclusions. As is clearly shown in the great movie “Groundhog Day” tomorrow never comes before a lesson is learned.

What is karma? Is it necessary to plunge into the past and to purify karma? What is the meaning

of “living here and now”?

Concerning the law of causal connections, people talk of removing or purifying karma. Since Karma constitutes causal relationships, people establish in the course of life; without it, life on earth is impossible. Those who ask these questions should consider it.

It is possible to look into the past and establish the cause of the consequences. Then, it becomes evident that the established reason is a consequence of the preceding events, whose cause is the past events; and so on to infinity.

Heraclitus (6th c. B.C.E.) said that “everything flows and everything changes” and that “one cannot enter the same river twice”.

In the Old Testament, there is a story of Lot and his wife. When the righteous people were expelled from the dying cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, they were told not to look back. Yet, Lot’s wife did and turned into a pillar of salt, which signifies that the one who looks back into the past stops the process of development in the present.

In the New Testament, Jesus warns of the same thing: “The one who takes a plow and looks back is unworthy”, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you glorify God’s kingdom”. That is, it is important to go and create the present, thereby synthesizing the experience and creating the conditions for the future.

In her autobiography, A. Bailey mentions: “I’m sure, if the soul wanted, it could spend time on restoring the previous incarnations, because it is omniscient, but what good would it do? It would just be another form of self-centeredness. I know that I now present what the experience and bitter lessons of previous numerous lives have made me. If people manage to avoid life blunders, it is because they have learned not to make them by experience. [1]. A. Bailey writes that in the past people misbehaved and paid the price about which they were not very happy.

The immaturity of the society, the consumer attitude to life, and, alas, elementary ignorance are evident in the notions of “karma cleansing” and “removing karma”.

The past is all around. The past is the environment perceived at three levels of consequence: physical, mental, and sensory.

Man constantly transforms the world. Therefore, by living in the present, changing the world around, people change the past. By daily synthesizing experience, they continuously create a new past, the present, and lay the foundation for the future. Thus, the world is constantly changing by the people who change as well. That is why it is so important to learn how to “live here and now”.

Is karma a fatal inevitability or the supreme love and supreme justice? What is the

common good?

The law of causal connections is the law of supreme justice and supreme love, because it states that fatal destinies and fatal inevitability do not exist. People are the cause of the events that happen. Yet, it does not mean that as long as people exist, they can fix anything.

Impunity in the world would be wrong. What kind of fundamental and objective laws of development would they be if they were allowed to be violated!

Sometimes people ask, “Why is a child who has just been born suffering so much?” Or when speaking of an adult, “He is such a good man. Why is he so unlucky?” Such judgments are often superficial; they are limited by the current consciousness because, as a rule, people view the situation only from the present standpoint, the perspective of an individual.

Yet, if anyone tried to remember and calmly and carefully analyze life, he or she would see how a great misfortune, greatest tragedy, and collapse of all plans and expectations turn out to be an amazing wisdom, supreme love, and supreme justice from the perspective of the soul. A soul is always more far-sighted than the mind. What seems to be a loss, later turns out to be the greatest good!
So what is the common good?

According to Gödel’s theorem, the reality of development of any living system can be determined only at the level of a larger system. Therefore, it is important to learn how to look at an individual’s problems with the eyes of the soul.

Frankl called the good all that contributes to the man’s higher purpose and evil all that prevents it.

The Russian writer T. Dostoevsky wrote: “I am afraid of only one thing - to be unworthy of the suffering that has fallen to my lot.” People are not surprised that in theater, movies, or literature, high tragedy often provokes deep feelings and leads to awareness. The same happens in reality: if suffering or some very deep feelings lead to inner growth and spiritual maturity through purification, or catharsis, they are a boon in terms of human essence.

Thus, if instead of being sad or complaining about fate and blaming everyone around for misfortunes, people perceive the reality of trials as a result and realize the causes or at least the fact that it is real and that people themselves are to blame for it, the suffering will elevate the soul and help to understand others better. In this case, how can suffering be defined: as evil or good?

Similarly, there arises a question of whether a baby, who suffers since birth and causes suffering to the loved ones was born to acquire experience his soul is lacking or in order to teach his loved ones a lesson of patience and compassion.

In addition, a newly born human has come a long way of numerous incarnations and is equipped with a program, which is determined by all of his previous deeds, not only merits but also debts. By taking the experience of the previous incarnations into account, the soul, has chosen precisely the conditions, circumstances, place and time that allow it to gain the maximum experience.

It is very important to understand that the soul chooses not the conditions of incarnations that will be most comfortable, but the ones that give a chance to gain more experience. Exactly what promotes gaining experience is the good from the standpoint of the soul. “The soul must work day and night.”

Is man an “architect of his own fortune” or “a toy in the hands of fate”?

Where should he start and what should he do? What is the sense of repentance?

Man is “the master of his own fate” and the “architect of his own happiness”. It is essential to remember that being a blacksmith is hard work. One must make an effort and be patient. Having secured the patience, one should start small. W. Thackeray wrote: “Sow a thought, and you will reap an action, sow an action, and you will reap a habit, sow a habit, and you will reap a character, sow a character, and you will reap a destiny.”

A person can change his or her fate, by sincere repentance as well. Yet, only then does repentance make sense when it is not just a ritual, but a deep, inner awareness, which must be confirmed by the subsequent human life. This is the criterion of awareness. And the remission of sins should be accompanied with the words: “Go and sin no more”, “Go with God”. That is, follow God in all their daily activities, the “repentant sinner is the dearest”.

When a person stumbles and falls, yet through pain and suffering realizes his or her mistakes, this awareness must necessarily manifest itself at all levels of human life. That is when a person’s life can change significantly, and the surprising healing events occur when deep awareness results from

serious inner work.

Therefore, on the one hand, it is important to learn how to understand that the severity of living conditions and circumstances is a kind of test that one can take by himself or herself. On the other hand, people live at a unique time, which is characterized by the fact that on this planet today, at the present stage of development, there are unique conditions for gaining experience quickly and indirectly.

For example, people have to learn a hard lesson because at one time they were to blame for it. However, without waiting for this test, they help someone selflessly and sincerely to deal with a similar problem. In this case, they learn a lesson indirectly, because they have already realized it, drawn some conclusions, and their souls have gained the necessary developmental experience. Since they have gained some experience, the lesson becomes unnecessary. This is the meaning

of the proverb: “A smart one learns from the mistakes of others, but ...”. Only those who miss this chance begin to learn from their own mistakes.

According to S. Vivekananda, “this world is beautiful because that it gives people the strength and opportunities to help others.” Here lies a profound sense of the phrase: “Do not hesitate to do the good”. By helping others, people help themselves. Therefore, neither ill fate nor fatal inevitability exist. Everything that happens is a fair reward for anything performed by the people. However, there is always an opportunity to lessen the punishment, if people understand that life does not punish anyone, but always gives a chance of development. As long as people are alive, they can change many things. If they are open to the world and pay attention to what happens to them and learn how to read the Book of Life, they find plenty of chances to change the situation.

For this, as they say in Russian folk tales, one must fulfill three conditions:

1. accept the situation by understanding the objectivity of what happens. It is impossible not to accept it, if people understand that they are responsible for creating it

2. by accepting the situation not to blame anyone around and realize the reason that gives rise to it (knowing the principles of universology will help), be responsible for changing the situation

3. implement this realization; for example, use the situation as a chance to put an end to “unfortunate” circumstances; here comes to mind the phrase from the Bible: “If someone hits you on one cheek, turn the other”, that is, to resolve the situation peacefully, by breaking a chain of evil.

Therefore, there is no fatality in this world. It is necessary to stop wasting time, effort and energy to searching for the guilty, one needs to stop cursing, blaming life and all those around. As soon as people interact with the world, they change by changing the attitude towards the world; in this way the attitude is changing and the world is changing as well as the living circumstances. The better they become, the better is the world, the more space there is for creativity; this is true freedom. Meanwhile, the time reduces but the energy increases. Naturally, the people’s readiness and willingness to serve the world increase, as well as the degree of responsibility. Knowing the causal law helps them to act rationally and not to waste energy on the attempts to eliminate the consequences without realizing and eliminating the reasons. A wise man once said: “The character and reputation are related in the same way as wood and shade. We think too much about the shadow when it is necessary to take care of the tree”.

Here area few examples of the causal law manifestations.

1. In philosophy

The existence of reason is the category denoting the necessary connection of phenomena, one of which (cause) leads to another (effect).

Dialectical materialism considers cause and effect in interaction: a consequence is not determined only by the cause, but it, in turn, plays an active part in making an impact on the cause.

2. In recovery

Hypothermia is not the cause of colds (e.g. pneumonia). Therefore, not everyone whose feet freeze falls ill. Hypothermia is probably an excuse for getting sick, if there is a reason for this.

The reasons may be different:

- lack of man’s realization of his or her destiny

- lack of creativity in the transformation of the world

- lack of understanding the need to move from isolation to creativity as a result of lack of understanding the essence of cyclic development

- lack of creative experience

Similarly, as a rule, the surgical removal of an organ or a part thereof is only an illusion of eliminating the cause of illness, but a complication of the body’s performance. If no deepest understanding of the true causes of an illness occurs (as the mind distortion) and if this awareness is not supported by changes of a lifestyle, the cause is not eliminated. Naturally, the reason will find a new way to reappear, and as a result, a consequence will appear as well.

3. In psychology

There is always a stimulus (as the cause) and the response to the stimulus (as a consequence).

In psychology of ages, there are many examples of causal relationships.

The behavior of a fourteen-year youth (so-called difficult, transitional age) is a consequence. The reason is formed during pregnancy and in the first year of life. The reason, which will manifest at the age of twenty-eight is laid at the age of fourteen. Therefore, if when a youth is fourteen, the parents do not care of his or her independence; at the age of twenty-eight, it will be harder for a person to make a very important choice in favor of moving from personal development to serving others. On the other hand, at the age of twenty-eight, during the transition from the collective unconscious to the collective conscious forms a reason of the ability to go from the collective conscious to the social conscious at the age of fifty-six, just as at the age of eighty-four occurs a transition from the social conscious to the integrative conscious. Further on, at the age of a hundred-and-twelve develops the ability of a conscious transition from the world manifested to the opposite.

4. In the matrix

There is no such thing as good or bad matrices.

In the process of universe creation, no one needs to punish or be punished.

At this point people understand the logic of the potential contained in a matrix. Being a great system or cause for an individual, the soul takes into account the experience gained and forms circumstances of the people’s lives or makes up causal relationships in such a way that they stimulate people to finding the lacking developmental experience or changing the existing one, which, in fact, reflects in the form of missing or excess capacity.

Thus, on the one hand, the potential in the matrix is a consequence of the previous embodiments.

On the other, it is the reason for the current existence. At the same time, the way people realize this potential, will result in future events. The consequence is imminent.

Each determinant of the subject takes a definite, causal place in the matrix and plays a very specific role in the causal relationships.

Moreover, the causal relationships repeat in each row and each column.

For example, determinant 5 is point of intersection of both synergistic and hierarchical relationships; in other words, it is a double point of transformation, a “communications center”; hence the importance of the role of the heart in a human life, the importance of the immune system and metabolic processes in a human body.

In this way, many causal relationships become clear.

On the one hand, in a society, based on the values ​​of the system (determinant 8) through the ability to take over the world, to accept the situation, through the ability to bring people together (determinant 5) a person establishes harmonious interpersonal relationships (determinant 2). On the other hand, one can create the following chain of causal relationships - a good family man, a good friend (determinant 2) - a good team organizer (determinant 5) - a good citizen (determinant 8).

5. In “Living Ethics”

“I’ll take in all your arrows with my shield. Yet, if you persist, I will send thee only one with a smile. Let us wisely switch all for the good. Wish for numerous foes, but do not create them. Let us rejoice, because opportunities multiply.”

6. In education

A student writing a quiz or test should:

- answer a series of questions (in other words, structuralize a certain space)

- cope with the task in the allotted time (in other words, in a given cycle)

- answer the questions posed (in other words, achieve the goal set by the super system)

Before a student reaches the teacher’s level of education, he or she is not fully aware of the challenges posed by the examiner (in other words, the purpose of the super system remains relatively undiscovered until the completion of the cycle and the transition to a qualitatively new level, which used to be the cause).

During a class, due to the smaller developmental experience, a student is not aware of the full extent of the teacher’s scope of information. However, if the students fully realize the objectives and criteria presented, the lesson will be more efficient.

If a student does not fulfill the requirements of the educational process, he or she either takes a test again, repeats a course, or is expelled.

When a reason exists, the chain of causal relationships immediately begins to line up.

Similarly, a student’s failure immediately leads to a number of events due to forming causal

relationships. A student begins to experience difficulties, such as a bad grade in a daybook, rewriting the test, summoning the parents to school, or difficulties at home.

Losing a daybook or deleting unwanted assessment are not an option. Eventually, the secret is

revealed, and the student has to fix the reasons of the problem under more complicated conditions.

In the educational process, the law of conservation of energy in the causal relationships is implemented, say, through the principle of mandatory application of knowledge:

- only applied knowledge creates experience

- the knowledge acquired should be applied, it should promote the transformation of the


- the knowledge that has not been applied does not allow a person to complete the cycle of development and move to a qualitatively new level

- the knowledge energy that has not been put to work makes a person a world’s debtor, it begins to cause illness, stress, and destroy the consumer attitude to life

These are some of the aspects of the law of causation, one of the common laws of development.

Pesina Tatyana I., candidate of technical sciences.


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