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Moon Phase


The Fundamental Principles of Interdisciplinary Science Universology

Time of Development of Systems in the Cycle of Their Life.

The forming of space of a life system takes place in the time of the cycle. The cycle has two phases. The 1st phase is involution. In different sciences involution is named as reflection, analysis, adaptation, differentiation, extraversion, the destroying of the old world. The 2nd phase is evolution. It means transformation, synthesis, integration, introversion, the creation of the new world.
This very sense is illustrated by the following words of Jesus Christ: “I’ll destroy this Temple (the 1st phase) in order to construct a new one during 3 days (the 2nd phase)”. Dynamics of development of systems in two phases is also described in the ancient saying: “There is a time to throw away stones and there is a time to gather them”.

So during the 1st phase a life system cognizes the universal laws as the essence of every level of system relations. And during the 2nd phase the system transforms the surrounding world on the basis of cognized universal regularities.

The first phase of the cycle is characterized by obtaining the energy by means of differentiation and destroying of the unity forms that are already old, non-perfect and isolated ones (otherwise it wouldn’t be possible to destroy them).

In physics this phase corresponds to the reaction of the nuclear fission. In philosophy the phase means the process of cognition of the universal laws of development of being. In history the main principle characterizing the phase of involution is: “Divide et impera!” – “Divide and rule!”

The second phase is characterized by obtaining energy by means of integration of differentiated particles. It is the transition from quantity into quality (e.g., collective strategy; brain storm; the uniting of people). In physics it means the process of thermonuclear synthesis that demands great amount of energy for the beginning of the reaction. So is among people. The process of integration among people is much more difficult because it demands enormous wisdom and culture of people’s interrelations. And it is the integration processes that are the main source of energy and the main force that moves development. The differentiating phase only prepares the matter of the particles to the birth of a new system by means of its structurization and systematization according to their levels – orbits (as frequency spectra).

Picture. 12 determinants of a system presented as the cycle of step-by-step forming of system relations in definite space and time of being.

As the result of the abovesaid the cyclic process of step-by-step forming of a life system on seven levels of its cognition of the surrounding world and on seven levels of integration and transformation of cognized matter appears. Each of the seven levels of cognition and transformation is manifested as the stages of creation of a life system. The involution-evolution process is called a determinant of a system. It is the structureforming factor that lies in the basis of construction of all life systems.

Taking into consideration the repetition of the stages of the transition process on the 1st and on the 7th levels one should perform the cycle of step-by-step forming of a system as 12 determinants of the system or as 12 stages of forming of a system or 12 subsystems, as 12 space and time continuums like 12 qualities of development of any life system.

The essence of each determinant of a system is characterized by: 1) the corresponding level of the structure of system relations; 2) the phase (involution or evolution) which the given determinant is in. Consequently 12 determinants of a system are interconditioned by the following characteristics:

The 1st determinant of a system. Aspiration to realization of the cognizable purpose, program, project of a system development.
The mythological portrait is: Benting down his head Aries fights with the obstacle with the help of his horns. He doesn’t realize the purpose yet and doesn’t see the entrance that is near him.

The 2nd. Integration of subsystems (demanded for a new system) from the matter of the old system (of the previous cycle).
Mythologically it is Taurus who stubbornly marking time guards his territory. He destroys and joins other territories to his ones in order to manage the construction of a new but still unknown space.

The 3rd. Interaction of subsystems by means of cognition, adaptation, cooperation and distributing roles in the future system, structurization of the elements.

Mythologically: the Twins study the methods of communication between them. They are egoistic but feel their need in each other. Each of them cannot penetrate into the other’s world (as well as none of them can admit the other into his inner world). They should create their common system but each of them “pulls the blanket on himself”.

The 4th. Concretization of the purpose and tactics (technology) of constructing the form of the system by means of interaction and mutual accept of subsystems.

Mythologically: Cancer is eager to go back to usual things than to go ahead to the unknown. But he is active in construction of his own world that has already become the usual past.

The 5th. Management of construction of infrastructure of system’s relation through its individualization, differentiation and systematization of the roles of its subsystems.

Mythologically: the Lion reigns, but he should study to rule leisurely disclosing his individuality.
The 6th. Preparation to the integration of subsystems into a new system by means of making their hierarchical interconnections and by controlling this process.

Mythologically: the Virgin is maturing a new essence but still doesn’t realize what she matures.

The 7th. Systematization and individualization of subsystems as self-cognition by each subsystem of its place and role in the process of a system construction. And it is the realization of the common purpose.

Mythologically: the Scales are aspiring to equality of the past accumulations and their gravitation to the future perspectives. With all their outer respectability they are always in the state of inner conflict.

The 8th. Provided the common purpose of subsystems, their transformation in the direction of integration into the single system structure.

Mythologically: the Scorpio has a sting to bite the others, but he bites himself, his non-perfection of organization structure to obtain new experience and to fly like an eagle to the skies.

The 9th. The control of functioning of subsystems and widening of space of their possibilities for managing the system by means of cognition of the purpose depth.

Mythologically: the Sagittarius pulls the arrow of thought to the new spaces of aspiration. But the Centaur still marks time on the ground of his former power and it gives birth to the conflict of choice.

The 10th. The control of functioning of the whole system, systematization, integration of systems in the supersystem on the basis of the cognized perspective of development.

Mythologically: the Capricorn climbs on the top of the mountain overcoming the gravitation of plenty of food at the foot of this top. And on the top the temptation to stop appears again so as there are many such tops ahead of him.

The 11th. Intersystem activity as serving of the created systems to another systems that means the realization of the supersystem purpose.

Mythologically: the Aquarius (The Water Carrier) carries the Water of life which he can give to the whole world but there is great temptation to drink the Water himself.

The 12th. Estimation of the result of integration of subsystems in the system and the degree of realization of the supersystem purpose. The transition process as determination of possibilities of system perfection coming out of the supersystem purpose.

Mythologically: the Fishes having met together decide where to swim: either to the turbid calm waters or to the surface bringing dangers. Each of them has the opinion denying the other’s one. The problem is how to come to the agreement because they begin to understand that it is impossible to make the way alone.

Consequently 12 determinants of a system characterize:

1) the entity of accumulation of experience of development of space-and-time continuums of subsystems in a system (as people in a collective);

2) direction to the most effective transformation of non-perfect forms of former relations of a system.

So cognizing the essence of each of the 12 determinants of a system and forming the vital space on the basis of the given knowledge the system comes to a new quantative level of development (a new rotation of a spiral).

In psychology 12 determinants of a system are manifested as 12 determinants of creativity which determine 12 psychological types. They also determine the cyclicity of accumulation of experience of a man’s development and also the step-by-step forming of thinking and consciousness of a man. For this purpose the characteristics of seven levels of subject-object psychosystem relations and connection between these levels and 12 determinants of a system are investigated.

In his development a man goes through the stages of accumulation of his experience according to 12 determinants of creativity. It’s an analogy to Hercules’s 12 heroic deeds that are the step-by-step forming of consciousness on seven levels of a planet system. It provides the completeness of development and integration with the surrounding world.

At the same time the Mendeleyev’s Periodical Table of Chemical Elements illustrates the fact that the complete cycle of a system development consists of 3 circles (or subcycles) of the system step-by-step forming. The 1st circle of the system is accumulation of structure forming experience. The 2nd circle is integration and the 3rd one is management. It corresponds to Hyppocratus’s conclusion about seven-years cycles of development in three circles of 28 years each (this scheme is repeated in big and small cycles of development). It is also the step-by-step and purpose-directed forming of seven levels of psychosystem relations (e.g. between a man and the surrounding world).

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